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A collective of three, a movement of many.

Convidamos você para cantar no ato que marca 5 anos da tragédia de Brumadinho. 

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Lá enviaremos as músicas, letras, guias vocais de “Cio da Terra”, de Milton Nascimento e Chico Buarque, "Promessas do Sol" e também “Coração Civil”, ambas de Milton Nascimento em parceria com Fernando Brant. 


(se)cura humana [or (if)human healing] is a movement of urban and aquatic artistic guerrillas, headed by Flavio Barollo (video artist and performer) and Wellington Tibério (geographer and doctoral student at USP). We have Jeferson Rogério (biologist and environmental builder at AcquaFlui Soluções Ecológicas) as a direct partner in our work. And several other partners connected in all our actions.

From an environmental activism, the work of the collective (se)cura materializes in direct actions in the urban space, having the water element as its main motto. We use multiple languages in our work, such as: urban installations/sculptures, audiovisual (documentary and video performance), performance/happening and music.

Reflecting the dryness of the human at different levels, activating new (or old) ways of dealing with society with the environment, clashing concepts and standards and provoking a questioning look at the urban way of life that we have developed over the last few decades, the (if )human healing aims to give materiality to dreams and utopias related to the way we relate to the water element in urban space.

Whether by building lakes in the middle of concrete, installing water parks with pools on the sidewalks or activating fountains with spring water that are lost in the city, the collective carries out actions that rub against the positivist-developmentalist sense of the city, calls into question the that is “legal” and “illegal”, activates memories of a city gone by and points to another city to come.

Recent works:
* Rio Paralelo Tamanduateí, artistic work of depollution of 2 thousand liters of water from the River Tamanduateí in the section of the Municipal Market and Parque Dom Pedro II, in partnership with Leo Tannous (ÁguaV) and Jefferson Rogério (Ramsil), by Sesc Parque Dom Pedro II for the exhibition Jardinalities, curated by Gabi Leirias and Faetuza Tirzah (2019).
* Mobile Water Park and Mobile Lake at the 11th São Paulo Architecture Biennale, at Sesc Parque Dom Pedro.
* Fountain of Travessa: New spout of Travessa Roque Adoglio, with the transposition of clean water that previously fell into the gutter.
* Rio Paralelo: construction of a new riverbed over the channeled Água Preta stream, using water from the groundwater that is thrown away by condominiums. With Flavio Barollo, Wellignton Tibério, Luiz Eduardo Moreira and Fábia Karklin.
* Reuse Artist, performance installation, presented at Centro da Terra (at the invitation of Alexandre D'Angeli), Instituto Tomie Othake (Lucas Bambozzi and Fernando Velasquez) and Temporary Gallery (Fernanda Papa de Boer).

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